Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Pocong spotted at second (2nd) link / Penang Bridge

So what is the latest hype on social media about Penang lately?
Everyone taking instagram photos on the second Penang bridge lately since it has been literary "toll free" till yesterday (toll charges start April 2014 onwards) 

Diverting a little here, I read this article that jumped for joy and was proudly displaying his picture surrounding the event oh himself paying his first ever toll fee to travel on the second bridge...
errr...way to go dude! 

If you have to pay your taxes, while cry while you are able to smile right? 
**(in saying this, I anyone who knows me knows that I can be a lil sarcastic in my commentaries and expressions)

how about some ghost stories today?
How about a 2 in 1 combo of the Second (2nd) Penang Bridge and a ghost story...with pictures to prove it! 

I had come across this article written in Bahasa Malaysia and *ahem* yours truly has translated it into English for those who are more comfortable reading it in English

It's about an appearance of an eerie pale white figure which appeared to be inhuman and of the supernatural..

A pochong. Wikipedia describes it as:

"A pocong is an Indonesian/Malaysian ghost that is said to be the soul of a dead person trapped in its shroud. Known in Indonesia/Malaysia as kain kafan, the shroud is the prescribed length of cloth used in Muslim burials to wrap the body of the dead person. The dead body is covered in white fabric tied over the head, under the feet, and on the neck.
According to traditional beliefs, the soul of a dead person will stay on the earth for 40 days after the death. When the ties aren't released after 40 days, the body is said to jump out from the grave to warn people that the soul need the bonds to be released. After the ties are released, the soul will leave the earth and never show up anymore. Because of the tie under the feet, the ghost can't walk. This causes the pocong to hop."


BAYAN LEPAS - Some people here were surprised when the spread of two photographs of the incident pocong discovery in the middle of the second Penang Bridge , Bridge Sultan Abdul Halim Shah .The social networking site , Rahimi Isaac said , the picture is spread over a few days ago and become the talk of the local population.According to him, through the picture clearly showed there seem to be packaged white images and high flying ." Then it was on the bridge at the second picture , said the incident happened in the middle of the bridge at night."I got the picture and was very shocked , " he told The Star .For users of the bridge , Mohd Ali Mohd Noor said he was initially surprised to see the picture and try to ask a friend who also frequently use the bridge ."They call this normal, if he wanted to appear to us, how  can stop it? but we have to act normal."After all is not the first time that hear and see all sorts of stories of spirit over the bridge, it is normal, " he said.Meanwhile for Zulkifli Zainal said his experience disturbed at night while riding a motorcycle on the first bridge Penang making it vulnerable."Not what, sometimes there are too shocked to be due to an accident, if that is not strong-willed , it's better to avoid." I used to ride a motorcycle in the middle of the night on the bridge, on arrival in the middle, my motor weight and I had to ride harder and faster , but all of a sudden it becomes lighter and I seemed to be in a state of being thrown into the future, with some luck, I can control the motor ."If I'm wrong , I fear of accidents only , whatever we have to trusts in the LORD Almighty , " he said.For practitioners of Islam , Izzwandy Mamat , scene pocong discovery in the middle of the bridge is common ."The sea is their home and they will manifest their being is many ways ."No doubt the sea is also a place to dump mystical and spiritual "things", so it's not impossible , " he told The Star .Just like humans, spirits also fulfills every corner of the place ." Even the genie can mimic various forms regardless pocong , or ghosts or MISCHIEVOUS THIEVES election , " he said.He stressed , however, look like , things only happen with the permission of Allah SWT."God wants to test the extent of our faith , whether fear of being or at HIS ." It is also a sign that this incident would have put us over to the Lord, " he said.

Bahasa Malaysia version:

Gambar pocong di Jambatan Kedua yang tersebar di media soisial
BAYAN LEPAS - Segelintir penduduk di sini gempar apabila tersebarnya dua keping gambar mengenai kejadian penemuan pocong di tengah-tengah Jambatan kedua Pulau Pinang, Jambatan Sultan Abdul Halim Shah.

Pengguna laman sosial, Rahimi Ishak berkata, gambar berkenaan tersebar sejak beberapa hari lalu dan menjadi buah mulut penduduk setempat.

Menurutnya, melalui gambar berkenaan dengan jelas menampakkan seolah-olah terdapat imej yang berbungkus putih dan terbang tinggi.

“Kemudian ia berada di atas jambatan pada gambar kedua, kejadian dikatakan berlaku di tengah-tengah jambatan pada waktu malam.

“Saya sendiri yang mendapat gambar berkenaan memang terkejut,” katanya kepada Sinar Harian.

Bagi pengguna jambatan, Mohd Ali Mohd Noor berkata, dia pada mulanya terkejut melihat gambar berkenaan dan cuba bertanya kepada rakannya yang juga kerap menggunakan jambatan.

“Mereka kata ini perkara biasa, kalau dia nak muncul kita mana boleh halang, yang penting kita kena buat biasa saja.

“Lagipun ini bukan pertama kali berlaku cerita jumpa macam-macam makhluk halus atas jambatan, ia adalah biasa,” katanya.

Sementara itu bagi Zulkifli Zainal berkata, pengalamannya diganggu pada waktu malam ketika menunggang motosikal di atas jambatan pertama Pulau Pinang membuatkannya berwaspada.

“Bukan apa, kadang-kadang ada yang terlalu terkejut sehingga boleh sebabkan kemalangan, kalau yang tak kuat semangat, lebih baik elakkan.

“Saya pernah tunggang motosikal pada tengah malam di atas jambatan, setibanya di tengah-tengah, motor saya berat dan saya terpaksa menunggang lebih kuat dan laju, tetapi tiba-tiba ia menjadi ringan dan saya seolah-olah dalam keadaan tercampak ke depan, nasib baik saya boleh kawal motor.

“Kalau saya silap, bimbang kemalangan saja, apa pun kita kena tawakal kepada ALLAH SWT,” katanya.

Bagi pengamal perubatan Islam, Izzwandy Mamat, kejadian penemuan pocong di tengah jambatan adalah perkara biasa.

“Laut memang tempat tinggalnya dan mereka akan buat pelbagai rupa di kawasan mereka tinggal.

“Tidak dinafikan laut juga menjadi tempat kepada tukang perubatan membuang benda yang tidak baik, jadi ia bukan mustahil,” katanya kepada Sinar Harian.

Sama seperti manusia, makhluk halus berkenaan juga memenuhi setiap pelosok tempat.

“Malah jin boleh menyerupai pelbagai bentuk tidak kiralah pocong, atau hantu raya ataupun toyol,” katanya.

Beliau menegaskan, bagaimanapun rupa bentuknya, perkara tersebut hanya berlaku dengan izin ALLAH SWT.

“ALLAH mahu menguji sejauh mana keimanan kita, sama ada takut pada makhluk atau pada-NYA.

“Ia juga sebagai tanda supaya kejadian sebegini akan mendekatkan kita lebih kepada ALLAH,” katanya.
ghost in Penang, haunting in Penang, second bridge stories spirits

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